January 1, 2017

The Christmas season has come and gone. We’re now looking forward towards living in a New Year of optimism in 2017. The past is how we got to this moment in the human interlude of time and space we call the presence. Our experiences and how this period will treat us in the future is how humanity speculate on their history to either build or tear down obstacles. We as a human family belong to one race if we would only just close our eyes of colors and show similarities as much as share love. Instinctively, we’re all musically inclined. Weather by traditions or cultures we are a living orchestra.

As human beings, we share in making music to communicate our diverse cultural experiences and traditions. Not only are we our original and individual melodies, but we’re also rhythms and harmonies vibrating as living instrumental human beings. We’re musical. Every man woman and child at any given time in their homes or away from it. We all bleed and birth from the same source as the wind blows and our hearts pulsate indicating life.

As in my home, we were rocking with joyous celebration throughout the gathering of the family as we do each holiday season. Having fun, singing and playing games as a family gave us a sense of continuity as we’re brought closer together. And so, if everyone does the same or similar around the world, we could witness peace and goodwill throughout the universe.

There’s hope. A family gives time for a diversity of opinion and thus demonstrates to the younger generation who’ve come to participate, are watching and learning how to share and have clean fun from their elders to carry on in the tradition of caring and sharing.

It’s pleasing to say that every occasion we get together especially when we’ve all gathered around in my home it becomes a warm and special moment for my family and me. In my abode, whenever we come together and share the blessings of each family, naturally for me, It’s worth the preparation and the bonding. Furthermore, it’s about keeping everyone entertained with goodwill.

What was special about our last festive moment was having live music and performance. I did my first family performance playing the guitar, singing and encouraging the entire family to share in the singing of Chorales, and without thinking of being in perfect pitch, especially, and not to be constrained by any one musical key. It was all about the human spirit from everyone that made our family event even better. We had a blast each moment of time we were together.

Great! It’s another New Year. And I am looking forward to changes within the year 2017 as time goes on ahead as it usually does throughout human history.

Lester G NEDDY Smith ©2017